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Bae + Buddy = 4Ever? LANA Paws Survey 2019 Findings Part II

by Friends of LANA on July 14, 2019

pet dog survey india 2019

Written by Disha Ramanan

The primary focus of our survey this year has been to assess the pet friendliness and general attitude towards pet dogs in most Indian cities. Bengaluru and Mumbai emerged as the most pet-friendly cities in the country as voted by the pet parents who participated in our study. 

Thanks to over 1500 pet parents like you who took the time out to complete this survey, we are excited to present some of the interesting lifestyle trends highlighting the shifting pet parent-dog dynamic.

Four-legged Therapist

Right off the bat, a whopping 49.5% of the respondents said they turn to their dog for emotional support, more than their friends and family.

Second in line was 42.5% saying that they turned to their dogs for emotional support, along with their friends and family.

On Having Children

A clear majority of 60.5% of the survey participants felt that having a dog was the first step towards having children. Significantly, 18.3% said they did not plan on having children and were happy being dog parents.

50.5% of all respondents said their dog has emotionally prepared them in having a child, and another 20% say they somewhat agree with that point of view.

 Bae + Buddy = 4Ever?

Our respondents gave an overwhelmingly clear response when it comes to the equation their dog shared with their partner. 82.4% said they would end their relationship with their partner if they do not approve of their dog.

68.7% also said that they would go out of their way to make sure their dog got to be a part of their wedding celebration. 30.7% reflected that they would like that if it was possible and convenient.

Here's Some Food for Thought

59.2% of all dog parents feel that their dog eats a more nutritional and balanced diet than themselves. Another nearly 35% somewhat agreed.

Desi Love/Darling Desis

In a trend reflecting an overall positive mindset regarding desis, 91.7% of pet parents feel desi dogs can make wonderful home pets.

Our previous post also indicated dog parents wanting a more definitive approach to taking care of desis on the street (vis-a-vis vaccinations and sterilisations) and structured programs to sensitise children on the appropriate behaviour towards community animals living on the streets.

In conclusion, carrying forward from the insights our first survey in 2018 provided (Pet Parents Unleashed), it has become apparent that the human-dog relationship is fast-changing in today's day and age. We seem to share a deeper, closer bond than ever before - however, it is important for us all to take cognizance of the basic realities in this relationship - we are, at the end of the day, two different species. While the depth of our love needs no change, our relationships with our dogs must ideally maintain a distinction.

A distinction that is necessary even more from the dog's perspective than our own.


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